Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, where we've compiled answers to our often-received questions. If you can't find the information you're looking for here, don't hesitate to reach out! We're here to assist you and ensure you have the best experience with NDUR.
Is NDUR free for athletes, and is it accessible to athletes who’s school is not an NDUR customer?
Yes, any athlete in the U.S. can join the NDUR community if they have an EDU or school email address.
How is Student Athlete Anonymity and Privacy Protected?
Student-athletes use avatars and “handles” to represent themselves like they do on other social networks. No names or other PII (Personally Identifiable Information) is accessible to any user of NDUR.
Are all Chats Anonymous?
Communications between ahtletes are always 100% anonymous. Chat between ahtletes and mentors can also remain anonymous, or at the athlete’s discretion, they may choose to tell a mentor who they are.
How are Athletes User Accounts Created and Authenticated?
Anyone can join the NDUR community and enjoy full access to the app content. However only student athletes can read and post to the Huddles (anonymous peer-to-peer conversations). Student athletes must go through an email verification step, and must use a school provided .EDU, .ORG, or .GOV email address to get fully verified.
Are Chats Encrypted?
Yes, all chats are fully encrypted and not publically exposed.
How are the Huddles monitored?
NDUR uses AI to identify misuse of the application or athletes who may potentially be at risk.
Is there a way to report misuse of the application?
Yes, any user of NDUR can flag another user for misuse. A warning will be sent to the reported user, and a flag associated with their account. The NDUR team will assess the situation, and send a warning to the user.
What qualifications does the NDUR team have to make accurate assessments?
We have trained mental health professionals, counselors, and student success experts on the team.
Can a users account privileges be suspended or revoked?
Yes, at the discretion of the NDUR team, along with the collaboration of the athlete’s school, user account privileges (use of chat tools and discussion boards) may be suspended or revoked at the discretion of NDUR and/or the school. Note, the use of the app’s educational resources and the ability to receive in-app messaging remains accessible.
Does implementing NDUR require any system integration?
No integration is necessary. Single Sign On with the institution’s systems can be implemented upon request.
Does NDUR have built-in crisis escalation tools and processes?
1. There is direct access to Campus Support Services and Crisis Hotline in the app.
2. In the event an athlete feels they are in danger to themselves or to others, or a fellow athlete feels that someone may harm themselves or others, there is a built-in crisis escalation feature. When this feature is selected, an automatic notification is deployed to the NDUR Support Team. NDUR’s built-in moderation tools also notify the NDUR Support Team in the event that language is being used about harming one’s self or others. NDUR also has a direct link to a Crisis Hotline.
Is NDUR a cloud solution, and how is data secured?
Yes, all data is stored in the cloud Google Data Cloud. All data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.
Can administrators at colleges access and use the plaform in any way?
Yes, schools can assign admin access to use the platform’s communication tools, and upload content. and access reports and engagement analytics.
What type of data is accessible to our college partners?
Engagement, usage, and satisfaction data include the number of app installs, active users, sessions, session length, and satisfaction ratings.