Mission Statement
Proactively support and improve
the overall health, well-being, and safety,
for high school and college athletes.
Our Story
Russ Cooke, Founder of NDUR, experienced a student athlete's unique journey. After 6 concussions as a UMASS Amherst football player, Russ got his chance at the NFL, only to be cut short with his 7th and final concussion during pre season with the NY Jets in 1979 which triggered depression and other related health issues.
His story is not unique and all too familiar for thousands of athletes who have had NDUR major setbacks and abrupt changes impacting their lives only in a way that a student-athlete can understand. NDUR is Russ’s life and mission, as he works tirelessly to give back to today’s student-athletes the tools and support they need to succeed in life. Support he did not have access to as a collegiate athlete as even today Russ is challenged with health issues and has found the remedy of Peer to Peer to be the best solution thus far!
You can read the Forward to Russ’s book “Going to the Edge“: From the Locker Room to the Board Room, written by his coach and mentor, the late Coach Dick McPherson (UMASS, Syracuse University, NE Patriots). Going to the Edge is Russ’s first hand story of adversity and what he NDUR’d to be successful in life.
NDUR For Athletes is an evolution of a community app designed to connect college-bound high school students to colleges. This experience inspired a group of former college athletes from UMASS, Harvard, Babson, and URI to make a greater impact on young adults by focusing on mental health and wellness. Before becoming a technology company, NDUR for Athletes grew out of a 100-year-old traditional marketing communications firm (printing and direct mail services) specializing in the higher education market, serving Admissions, Alumni, and Institutional Advancement offices. Shortly after the iPhone was released in 2007, it became evident there was a need to evolve our services to more effectively reach and communicate with today’s digital native audiences. We are a leader in higher education innovation, with over 300,000 students who have used our apps to research, apply, and enroll at hundreds of U.S. colleges and universities.
NDUR was created to support the No. 1 priority on every campus today- mental health and wellness. NDUR is set to change the game and make a meaningful impact. We are a group of mission-driven, passionate educators and entrepreneurs whose focus is to help student-athletes better manage their daily stresses and challenges and make mental health and wellness part of every student-athlete's daily routine to succeed on and off the field.